How to hack password of returnil

Returnil is a program which can restore the condition and data of the the computer to the condition when install the returnil. This program usually run only for local disk C. some time, we are agry because returnil loss our data again, especially when we use computer’s someone. To deactive this program we must know the username and password. But in here, we don’t use it. We’ll enter the program without username and password and this way won’t break the program of course. Let’s go!

These are the steps :
1. Find and use computer or laptop which run returnil
2. Activate the “show hidden file”


1. Realistic
This personality type has an interest in outdoor activities and working in manual activities. They prefer to work with objects or equipment and are more likely to choose to work individually or with people who type the same interests.
This individual can be described as having a high conformity, honest, sincere, stubborn, humble, simple, persistent, practical, mechanical and athletic ability that stood out. Individuals interested in this type of realistic career as the job-work techniques, engineers, electricians, surveyors, pilots, etc..

2. Investigative

How to Download Youtube Videos Without Downloader

How to download videos from youtube is easy. Perhaps during the time we download videos from youtube using YouTube Downloader. But now we do not need to use youtube downloader again, because we have another path. Maybe how to download videos from youtube is not never thought about before, but it is easy because of how download youtube downloader it's already in the browsers. This can only be used to firefox, operamini. Namely by taking data from "cache" that browser. A cache is a place to keep data when browsing, automatic when watch any videos on youtube will be saved. 

How to download videos from youtube in a way when you watch videos online you wait until the video finished or finished loading. Means that the video is already stored in the browser's cache, now you are looking for a place the disk cache. Well you search the cache folder by typing "about: cache" in the address bar of mozilla or firefox. After you find it, you should search files in a folder that the larger size is usually above 5MB, it's definitely the video data. Usually extension video files that are still in the cache folder is. Tmp and you replace that file name and extension to be in play as the video, nor do all right. Example: "cantik.flv". remember. flv to be played. It also can be used to download video files or flash or with extension "Swf". recommended for better results: convert formerly with TOTAL VIDEO CONVERTER>> DOWNLOAD NOW. Good news, it works for online song, but if online song usually under 5MB

Earthquake Anticipation

Prior to the earthquake. 

a. Main key is to recognize what is called an earthquake, ensuring that the structure and layout of your home are protected from hazards caused by earthquakes (landslides, liquefaction, etc.), re-evaluate and renovate your building structure in order to avoid the danger of earthquake.

b. Know the environment where you work and live. Noting the location of doors, elevators and fire stairs, when an earthquake, and already know the safest place to shelter, do first aid box Learning, learning to use fire extinguishers, record important phone numbers that can be contacted in the event of an earthquake.

c. Routine preparation on where you work and live. Furniture (cupboards, cabinets, etc.) shall be attached to the wall (in a nail / tie etc) to avoid falling, collapsing, sliding, etc. in the event of an earthquake, store flammable materials in places that are not easily broken, in order to avoid a fire, always turn off water, gas and electricity what when not in use.

d. The cause of the most unfortunate when an earthquake is the result of the fall material. Set a heavy object as much as possible is at the bottom, check the stability of the objects that depend on that could fall when the earthquakes occur (eg: lights, etc..).

e. Instruments that should exist in every place. First aid box, flashlight, battery lights, radios, food supplements and water.

When an earthquake happens

a. If you are in the building. Protect your head and body from the ruins of the building (by hiding under tables, etc.), seeking the safest place from the ruins of the shock, ran outside when still can be done.

b. If you are outside of buildings or open areas. Avoidance of the buildings that surround you (such as buildings, electricity poles, trees, etc.). watch where you stand, in case of avoid fracture ground.

c. If you're driving. Exit, go down and away from the car to avoid if there was a shift or a fire. do point b.

d. If you live or are on the beach, stay away from beach to avoid occurrence Tsunami.

e. If you live mountainous area, when an earthquake struck the region to avoid avalanches may occur.

After the quake occurred

a. If you are in the building. Out of the proficiency level in these buildings with orderly. Do not use the escalator or elevator, use the normal stairs. check out what one is hurt, do first aid, phone / ask for help in case of serious harm to you or around you.

b. Check your surroundings. Check if there is a fire. check if the gas leak. check in the event of a short circuit. check the flow and water pipes. check all that may harm (turn off power, not light a fire, etc.).

c. Do not enter a renaissance that has occurred earthquake, because the possibility still there are ruins.

d. Do not walk around the earthquake area, the possibility of danger of aftershocks still there.
e. Listen to information about the quake from the radio (in case of aftershocks).

f. Filling the questionnaire provided by the related agencies to determine how much damage.

The Dangerous of Masturbation

Perhaps among young people today the term masturbation and masturbation is not foreign. And teens who do it not the least, both male and female. This is very dangerous for the future of a country's particular religion. Masturbation itself is the way a person (male) to vent their passions by rubbing or stroking the penis head slowly up out of the sperm tail of tau, while masturbation is the way in which women do to vent their passions in a way-stroke gently stroking vagina until maybe spend a little egg. If a teenager was trapped inside the momentary pleasures then drop their morals. For that we must prevent and, if already try then quit. 

Teenagers who have never done masturbation or masturbation then it is close to fornication. Yet the danger masturbation itself is very dangerous. According to the book I read, masturbation and masturbation causes:
1. The loss of passion or hipoten when married. For all too often wasted sperm for granted.
2. Reduce always imagined that because intelligence-slob slob makes feeble brain.
3. Create a thinner body because too much out of sperm before time.
4. Create one can not have sex unless first masturbation or dependence.
5. And for women who masturbate can make her virginity Hymen torn so that it can not virgin called again.  
6. And this is a big sin that is cursed GOD Almighty.

There are two scholarly opinions if masturbation (male) and masturbation (female) is conducted by husband and wife are allowed. So, do not ever try it and repeat it again because it is harmful. Do intimate relationships only with their husbands / wives each, not a husband / wife  people, especially when Friday night's reward is like killing 1000 Jews amen! Repent if ever!. He will forgive His servants who repent with truth. Truth was not authored this danger!


Use of handphone at an early age is very dangerous, if you have a nephew or cousin that still kids but already had the handphone, be caution!. According to the research team led by Prof. Kjell Mild of the Univ. Orbero Sweden, children are more vulnerable to the handphone effects because kid has skulls are thinner and nervous system are still developing. This danger is much greater because cancer takes 10 years to develop. 

They also see an indication of linkage between Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease with the use of handphone in adults. Use hands-free in addition to secure also prevent the effects caused by excessive use of handphone. International standards have been established in handphone's industry only to prevent the adverse effects of electrical current to the body heat.
From now we should begin cautiously to the effects of handphone that can cause cancer, damage to the brain and ears because of the effect on the phone with handphone who has a shrill voice systems such as cdma phone which is very often used because of cost. Use Hands free when talking on the phone to reduce the risk in the future. You agree ?????????????

Gakutensoku is The oldest Robot in ASIA

Who would have thought the robot was first made in Asia. Gakutensoku is the first robot and the oldest in Asia, which was made in 1928 by the Kingdom of Showa (aka Hirohito). This robot has three meters tall and can move his head, blinked and smiled. Although only that, but for the robot 81 * years of age must have pretty advanced. 

Gakutensoku actually been "put to sleep", yet "woken up" again by adding a pneumatic system and a new computer with a price of about Rp. 2 miliard. Despite the scary shape, no matter what is the elder of the robot world Gakutensoku.
From this statement turned out to Asia is not inferior to the western world. Not just in technology, Asia is also the birthplace of great religions in this world. In today's technological world, Asia is no less than the western world and even in parallel, example of the world's most advanced robots in the present is by Japanese robot ASIMO. What other examples ????????

Intelligent Reading with SIVA

1. Somatic, associated with a body or bodies. This means that reading is not necessarily always sit but can also be done while standing so that we can read anywhere in any circumstances.

2. AUDIOTORI, associated with the hearing. It means occasionally we have to read the way his voice hardened to help us to absorb its meaning, especially for foreign words.

3. VISUAL, associated with the depiction. So when you're reading, try to stop a moment to imagine what is read.

4. INTELLECTUAL, namely ponder or think what has been read and then write what we can from the book in the form of reviews very helpful when we need it at any time

How to change background folder

 We will not be long rambling here, we are certainly bored of having a folder that's just the background is white. Yeah right? This also happened to me "bored '" this is the way, without copy-paste some code, you just download the application "Background IESHWIZ maker" Download now!.

Easy, You just put this program in every folder you want the background, browse the photo, try to only 640x480 pixels, aims to good appearance because if the photo too great, looks just the tip of the corner of poto. Good luck!

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