1. Realistic
This personality type has an interest in outdoor activities and working in manual activities. They prefer to work with objects or equipment and are more likely to choose to work individually or with people who type the same interests.
This individual can be described as having a high conformity, honest, sincere, stubborn, humble, simple, persistent, practical, mechanical and athletic ability that stood out. Individuals interested in this type of realistic career as the job-work techniques, engineers, electricians, surveyors, pilots, etc..

2. Investigative

This personality type has an interest in the activities associated with ideas, ideas or concepts. They usually have the ability math and science and nature activities like exploration and analyze a case and the events rather than activities that relate to other people, so they are more comfortable to work and solve problems individually.
This individual can be described as being analytical, cautious, complex, critical, curious, intelligent, independent, intellectual, methodical, modest, just and rational.
Individuals interested in this type of career that the character of such research biologists, physicists, chemists, geologists, anthropologists, laboratory assistants, medical technical, etc..

3. Artistic
This personality type has a creative orientation. They enjoy with activities relating to the ideas and materials that can express themselves with new ways rather than jobs that require routine and binding rules. They really appreciate freedom, art and having the ability to create new sesutau.
This individual can be described the complex, irregular, emotional, expressive, idealistic, highly imaginative, impulsive, independent, intusi sharp, open and non-conformists.
This individual is interested in the nature of art as a career composer, musician, dancer, actor, author, etc..

This personality type oriented work for and with others. They tend to have the orientation to help and enjoy activities and develop and keep others, assisting people in need, especially the less fortunate. Showed a stronger attraction to the people rather than intellectual goals, and has a very good personal relationship skills.
This individual can be described as convincing, cooperative, friendly, generous, idealistic, kind, patient, responsible, sympathetic, understanding and warm.
Individuals interested in this type of career yan social nature such as teachers, speech therapists, work religious existence, counselors, psychologists, nurses, etc..

5. Entrepreneurship
This personality type is more oriented to people than the idea of tau ideas, they tend to dominate others, especially when they want to achieve their goals, able to organize and encourage others, to enjoy to induce tau convince someone to see their perspective and liked the tasks which they can act as a leader. These individuals interested in entrepreneurship related kerier such as sales force, management, business, politics, etc..

This is just my psychologist said Young. This personality type very well in a structured environment. They enjoy activities that require systematic attention to accurate and detailed, administrative tasks, they are usually less like work relation with ideas or people, working in a routine, orderly and according to standards, avoid unclear jobs like working in a room and regulate something, they usually have the ability klerika and mathematics. This individual can be described as a man who conformatic, thorough, efficient, obedient, orderly, neat, practical, persistent, meticulous, and not imaginative.
Type individuals interested in careers related to the financial, accounting firms, bank tellers, secretaries, personnel filing, etc..

* Note: this is all according to psychologists.


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