Create Autotext on Android with SmartKeyboard Pro

For users android many are asking if the android can create autotext like a BB, the answer could be yes. By utilizing the feature in smartkeyboard pro, we can make your own autotext in our android. Autotext on android is the same quality with blackberry. No need to worry my friends. Irfan Zidny's World will help you create autotext in android with smartkeyboard pro.

1. Download and smartkeyboard pro .APK Click here!

2. Install smartkeyboard pro on your android to completion, do not open yet.

3. Look at the sdcard folder, if there is no folder "smartkeyboardpro​​", then create it. And enter into a folder"smartkeyboardpro​​" we have made

4. Open the application smartkeyboard pro, click on settings.

5. Give checklist on option "Smart Keyboard Pro"

6. Go to the "smart keyboard pro" settings right under our new checklist

7. Click back up settings and select restore from sdcard. Select OK

Then filled with autotext smartkeyboardpro ​​we make, to replace /add your own autotext, in setting click "text prediction", and "customprediction". You edit, copy, paste  '. Good luck and keep creative on Android. : D


Fitri Nurhabibah said...

It's Nice,
BlackBery features now can use in Android devices,,
thank's for share

Zidny said...

you're very welcome
thanks for commenting :)

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